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Questions from Designated Safeguarding Leads - October 2021

Oct 29, 2021

Questions answered in this month's video include:

Should I be intervening directly with students or should I simply oversee and coordinate interventions?

Does the clerk for the Governors need to read KCSIE and the school Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy?

We scan any paper files we receive from primary schools onto Safeguard. Do we have to keep the paper files or can we shred them?

How often do our staff need to have full safeguarding training?

We are due an 'imminent' OFSTED inspection. How can I be confident we are OFSTED-ready for safeguarding?

What different levels of training do staff require (eg. from headteacher to catering/cleaning staff)?

If a student has mental health issues but their behaviour in school warrants discipline, are we allowed to tell them for behaviour? 

Child experienced online abuse, police informed and spoken to the child, social services closed case. Where direct child for counselling?

How should a DSL record the list of students with Children's services/ social care involvement or those for whom there is a TAF?

Each month, specialist safeguarding consultant, Andrew Hall, hosts a question and answer session for members of Safeguarding.Pro. If you're not already a member, go to

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